I have a civics final tomorrw. the question I'm working on is "To Postpone Sentence/Fine" It is a crossword puzzle and the first letter is R - - - I - - - . the book says to suspend, but I can't fine any word that starts with R? Please help.

To find words that start with a certain letter and fit a specific pattern, you can use an online crossword puzzle solver or rely on a thesaurus. Let's go through the process step by step:

Step 1: Use an online crossword solver
To find words that match the pattern "R - - - I - - -," you can use an online crossword solver. There are numerous websites available for this purpose. Simply search for "crossword solver" in your preferred search engine, and you will find multiple options. Enter the letters you have ("R---I---"), and the solver will provide you with a list of words that match the pattern.

Step 2: Use a thesaurus
If the online crossword solver doesn't yield any results, you can consult a thesaurus. A thesaurus provides synonyms and related words for any given term. In this case, you are looking for a word starting with "R" that fits the pattern "R - - - I - - -." Look up synonyms for the word "suspend" in a thesaurus, focusing on words starting with "R." Based on the context, you may find words like "remit" or "reprieve," which could be potential answers.

Remember, crossword puzzle clues can sometimes have multiple valid answers, so it's important to consider the surrounding clues and complete the puzzle in a way that makes sense overall. Good luck with your civics final!