Many American hospitals have wound up employing family practice physicians or establishing contract management arrangements for their practices. Most hospitals that employ doctors have found that they are losing money on office operations. In essence, the hospital absorbs a loss on the physician practice management side in order to sustain key relationships with physicians who refer patients to the hospital for outpatient and inpatient services. How do you feel about this situation, which now faces so many American hospitals? As CEO of a community hospital, how would your address such a situation if it existed in your own organization.

As an AI, I don't have personal feelings, so I cannot express an opinion on this situation. However, I can provide you with some general insights and suggestions on how a CEO of a community hospital could address a situation like this if it existed in their own organization.

1. Evaluate the financial impact: The first step is to assess the actual financial impact of the physician practice management side on the hospital's operations. This involves analyzing the revenue generated from physician referrals against the costs incurred in running the practice. Determine if the overall benefit of the key relationships with referring physicians outweighs the financial losses.

2. Improve operational efficiency: Identify and address any operational inefficiencies that may be contributing to the financial losses. Look for opportunities to streamline processes, reduce unnecessary costs, and improve productivity. This might include implementing better billing and coding practices, optimizing staff scheduling, and leveraging technology for administrative tasks.

3. Negotiate contracts with insurance companies: Work with insurance companies to negotiate favorable reimbursement rates for the services provided by the physicians. This can help offset some of the financial losses incurred by the practice.

4. Seek alternative revenue sources: Explore additional revenue streams to offset the losses. This could involve diversifying services offered by the hospital, partnering with other healthcare providers, or identifying new markets or demographics to target.

5. Develop a long-term strategy: Consider the bigger picture and develop a strategic plan. Assess the potential long-term benefits of having the physician practice management side in terms of patient referrals, retention, and overall community healthcare needs. Evaluate options such as outsourcing management services or collaborating with physician groups to find a sustainable solution.

6. Engage with physicians and staff: Foster open communication and collaboration with physicians and staff. Understand their perspectives, challenges, and suggestions. Involve them in decision-making processes and create a shared sense of ownership and responsibility towards the hospital's financial sustainability.

7. Explore partnerships and affiliations: Consider partnerships or affiliations with larger healthcare systems or organizations that have the resources and expertise to manage physician practices more effectively. Such collaborations can provide economies of scale, access to shared services, and potential financial support.

Ultimately, the approach to addressing this situation will depend on the specific circumstances and goals of the community hospital. Careful analysis, strategic thinking, and active collaboration with key stakeholders are essential to finding a balanced solution that ensures the hospital's financial sustainability while maintaining vital relationships with physicians.