what are examples of 3-d objects



When at the link I left you above notice the objects on the right. A dot, line, rectangle, cube. The cube represents a 3 dimensional object. Anything in our "real" world is percieved through sight (and touch) as having 3 dimensions. Length width height. That means cars, dogs, people, houses, etc are all percieved as 3D

Mobiles, origami and pottery are all 3D art.

To further expand on examples of 3D objects, here are some common everyday items:

- Books: Books have length, width, and height, making them three-dimensional objects.
- Bottles: Bottles are three-dimensional objects as they have length, width, and depth.
- Chairs: Chairs are examples of three-dimensional furniture as they have length, width, and height.
- Buildings: Buildings are large-scale 3D structures with length, width, and height.
- Trees: Trees are three-dimensional living organisms with height, width, and depth.
- Vehicles: Cars, trucks, airplanes, and any other form of transportation are three-dimensional objects.

It's important to note that anything in the real world, whether it is natural or man-made, can be considered a 3D object.