What is meant in the Illustrators Contest rules by “three different subjects”?

Three of the same subject would be 3 illustrations of dragons. Examples of three different subjects could be dragons, space ships and an alien planet.

What do they mean??? I'm a bit confused. Do they mean send 3 drawings that relate to science fiction or fantasy but each drawing is different. I;m just making sure.

Yes. They want three different subjects -- like ogres, mermaids, and space aliens.

Ok just making sure.

Thank You!!! :)

You're welcome.

In the context of the Illustrators Contest rules, "three different subjects" means that the illustrations you submit should feature three distinct and unrelated themes or topics. It doesn't necessarily have to be limited to science fiction or fantasy, but can encompass any subjects you choose to depict in your illustrations.

For example, let's say you have a passion for both animals and landscapes. In that case, you could create three illustrations: one featuring a majestic lion in the savannah, another showcasing a vibrant coral reef with various marine life, and a third depicting a serene mountain landscape with a cascading waterfall. In this scenario, you would be exploring three different subjects, each with its own unique theme and focus.

The key is to showcase your versatility as an illustrator by demonstrating your ability to create visuals that revolve around diverse subjects. So, whether it's dragons, space ships, alien planets, or any other unrelated themes you choose, try to make each illustration distinct from the others to meet the contest rules.