true or false

1)true or false, diction, rhythm,phrasing,sentence length,and other features of language make up a writer's style
2)in the story a pair of silk stockings, irony is not important to the theme
3)in the white heron, the white heron means the same things to sylvia the ornithologist

1) True. To determine if diction, rhythm, phrasing, sentence length, and other features of language make up a writer's style, you can analyze the writer's writing style by examining their use of language. Look for patterns in word choice, sentence structures, and overall tone. Pay attention to the way the writer uses language to convey meaning, create atmosphere, and evoke emotions. By studying these elements, you can identify the unique style of a writer.

2) False. To determine if irony is important to the theme in the story "A Pair of Silk Stockings," you will need to analyze the text to identify instances of irony and examine how they contribute to the overall theme. Look for situations, events, or statements in the story that are ironic in nature. Consider the effects of these instances of irony on the development of the theme. By examining the text closely, you can determine if irony plays a significant role in conveying the theme of the story.

3) To determine if the white heron means the same things to Sylvia the ornithologist in the story "The White Heron," you can closely read the text and consider Sylvia's perspective and actions. Examine the interactions between Sylvia and the white heron in the story and analyze the emotions and thoughts expressed by Sylvia. Look for clues that suggest how Sylvia views the significance of the white heron. By analyzing the text and considering Sylvia's perspective, you can determine if the white heron holds the same symbolic meaning for her as it does for the rest of the characters in the story.