Which of the following had the greatest impact on women's lives after World War 1?

a)New Deal programs
b)labor-saving devices
c)equal-opportunity laws
d)the creation of many new jobs
i think its c


sorry ill try again a thank you so much for your help i really appreciate it

To determine which of the given options had the greatest impact on women's lives after World War 1, we need to analyze each choice and consider the historical context.

a) New Deal programs: The New Deal was a series of economic and social reforms implemented in the 1930s by President Franklin D. Roosevelt to combat the Great Depression. While some New Deal programs addressed issues faced by women, such as unemployment and poverty, their impact on women's lives was not as influential as in some other areas.

b) Labor-saving devices: In the post-World War 1 era, labor-saving devices like washing machines, vacuum cleaners, and other household appliances became more accessible to a broader range of people. These devices significantly reduced the amount of time and effort required for household chores, providing women with more opportunities to pursue other activities, such as education, work, or leisure. However, the impact of labor-saving devices on women's lives, while substantial, did not primarily address broader societal issues.

c) Equal-opportunity laws: The concept of equal opportunity in the workforce and various laws aiming to achieve it gained momentum after World War 1. While some progress was made during this period, it is essential to note that significant advancements in equal opportunity laws, such as the Civil Rights Act of 1964 in the United States, came much later.

d) The creation of many new jobs: World War 1 led to significant changes in the workforce, particularly with a higher demand for workers in various industries due to war-related production. Women played a crucial role in filling these positions during the war, which challenged traditional gender roles. Although many of these jobs were temporary, the experience greatly impacted women's lives as it opened doors and expanded opportunities for them in the workforce.

Based on the analysis, option (d) the creation of many new jobs, had the greatest impact on women's lives after World War 1. The increased employment opportunities broadened their horizons, challenged gender norms, and catalyzed movements for women's employment, independence, and political rights. While equal-opportunity laws and labor-saving devices also played significant roles, the creation of many new jobs during and after the war had a more profound and long-lasting effect on women's lives.