What is the name of the compound PBr5 using the Stock system?

Phosphorus(V) bromide

is PBr5 an electrolyte

The compound PBr5 is named phosphorus pentabromide using the Stock system.

To determine the name of the compound PBr5 using the Stock system, we first need to identify the oxidation state of the central element, phosphorus (P).

In the Stock system, the oxidation state of the central element is indicated by a Roman numeral in parentheses following the element's symbol.

To determine the oxidation state of phosphorus in PBr5, we must know the oxidation state of bromine (Br).

Bromine belongs to Group 7A in the periodic table, and its usual oxidation state is -1. However, it can also have positive oxidation states if it gains electrons from other elements.

In PBr5, there are five bromine atoms surrounding the central phosphorus atom. Since each bromine atom has an oxidation state of -1, and the overall molecule is neutral, we can calculate the oxidation state of phosphorus:

Oxidation state of phosphorus = (5 x Oxidation state of bromine) / Number of bromine atoms

Oxidation state of phosphorus = (5 x -1) / 5 = -1

Therefore, the oxidation state of phosphorus in PBr5 is -1.

Now, we can assign the name using the Stock system by combining the name of the central element (phosphorus) with its oxidation state in Roman numerals.

Since the oxidation state of phosphorus is -1, the name of the compound PBr5 using the Stock system is Phosphorus (V) Bromide.

So, the compound PBr5 is named Phosphorus (V) Bromide in the Stock system.