the great gray-green, greasy zambezi river flowa over victoria falls in south central africa. the falls are approximately 108 m high. if the river is flowing horizontally at 3.60 m/s just before going over the falls, what is the speed of the water when it hits the bottom? assume the water is in freefall as it drop.

To find the speed of the water when it hits the bottom, we can use the conservation of mechanical energy principle. Initially, the water has kinetic energy due to its horizontal velocity and gains potential energy as it falls. When it reaches the bottom, this potential energy is converted into kinetic energy.

The initial kinetic energy of the water is given by:

K1 = 0.5 * m * v1^2

where m is the mass of the water (which doesn't matter in this case, since it cancels out) and v1 is the initial horizontal velocity (3.60 m/s).

The potential energy gained by the water as it falls is given by:

U = m * g * h

where g is the acceleration due to gravity (approximately 9.81 m/s^2) and h is the height of the falls (108 m).

At the bottom, the total kinetic energy of the water is given by:

K2 = 0.5 * m * v2^2

where v2 is the final speed of the water.

Using conservation of mechanical energy (K1 + U = K2), we can find the final speed of the water:

0.5 * m * v1^2 + m * g * h = 0.5 * m * v2^2

Notice that the mass (m) cancels out:

0.5 * v1^2 + g * h = 0.5 * v2^2

Now plug in the values and solve for v2:

0.5 * (3.60)^2 + 9.81 * 108 = 0.5 * v2^2

6.48 + 1058.68 = 0.5 * v2^2

1065.16 = 0.5 * v2^2

v2^2 = 2130.32

v2 = √2130.32 ≈ 46.15 m/s

So, the speed of the water when it hits the bottom is approximately 46.15 m/s.

To find the speed of the water when it hits the bottom of Victoria Falls, we can use the principle of conservation of energy. At the top of the falls, the water has potential energy due to its height and kinetic energy due to its horizontal velocity. At the bottom, all the potential energy is converted to kinetic energy. Since we'll neglect air resistance, we can assume that the total mechanical energy is conserved.

The potential energy at the top is given by the formula:

Potential Energy = mass * gravity * height

The kinetic energy at the bottom can be calculated using:

Kinetic Energy = (1/2) * mass * velocity^2

Setting these two equal:

mass * gravity * height = (1/2) * mass * velocity^2

We can cancel out the mass and rearrange the equation to solve for velocity:

velocity = sqrt(2 * gravity * height)

Given that the height of Victoria Falls is approximately 108 m and the acceleration due to gravity is approximately 9.8 m/s^2, we can plug in these values to find the velocity:

velocity = sqrt(2 * 9.8 m/s^2 * 108 m)
= sqrt(2 * 9.8 * 108) m/s
≈ sqrt(2116.8) m/s
≈ 46 m/s

Therefore, the speed of the water when it hits the bottom of Victoria Falls is approximately 46 m/s.

To determine the speed of the water when it hits the bottom of the falls, we can use the principle of conservation of energy. At the top of the falls, the water has gravitational potential energy due to its height above the bottom.

The formula for gravitational potential energy is:

PE = mgh

Where m is the mass of the water, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and h is the height.

Since the water is in freefall, there is no change in its kinetic energy (assuming negligible effects of air resistance). Therefore, the initial potential energy will be converted entirely into kinetic energy as it falls.

At the bottom of the falls, all the initial potential energy will be converted into kinetic energy. The formula for kinetic energy is:

KE = (1/2)mv^2

Where m is the mass of the water and v is the velocity.

Setting the initial potential energy equal to the final kinetic energy:

mgh = (1/2)mv^2

The mass of the water cancels out, and we can solve for v:

gh = (1/2)v^2

v^2 = 2gh

Taking the square root of both sides:

v = sqrt(2gh)

Given that the height of the falls is approximately 108 m and the acceleration due to gravity is approximately 9.8 m/s²:

v = sqrt(2 * 9.8 m/s² * 108 m)

v ≈ 42 m/s

Therefore, the speed of the water when it hits the bottom of the falls is approximately 42 m/s.