Unlike presidential primary elections, general presidential elections focus on the

a. party loyalists.

b. Electoral College.

c. interest groups.

d. campaign contributions.

e. safe states.

Is it going to be B or E ?

The correct answer is B. Electoral College.

To arrive at this answer, you can identify the nature of a general presidential election and the role of different electoral elements.

General presidential elections in the United States determine the overall winner of the presidential race, who will become the president of the country. Unlike presidential primary elections, which focus on selecting a party's nominee, general elections are concerned with the selection of the president for the entire nation.

One key element at play in general presidential elections is the Electoral College. The Electoral College is a system outlined in the United States Constitution that determines the president and vice president based on a state-based, winner-takes-all system. Each state is allocated a certain number of electoral votes based on its representation in Congress (Senators plus members of the House of Representatives). The candidate who secures the majority of these electoral votes (270 out of 538) wins the presidency.

On the other hand, option E, safe states, is not the primary focus of general presidential elections. Safe states refer to those states where the outcome of the election is widely predictable and remains consistently in favor of one party. While safe states can influence campaign strategies, they are not the central focus of general presidential elections.

In summary, general presidential elections focus on the Electoral College rather than safe states. Therefore, the correct answer is B.