A 220lb worker loses 8 pounds of sweat during the day. All of the sweat evaporates. How much heat will he lose through evaporation? (Hint. Convert all measures to metric)

8 lb = 3.632 kg = 3632 g of sweat

Heat of vaporization = 540 cal/g

3631*540 = 1.96*10^6 calories
= 1960 kilocalories
= 8.2*10^6 Joules

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To find out how much heat the worker will lose through evaporation, we can use the equation:

Q = m * L

where Q represents the heat lost through evaporation, m is the mass of water evaporated (in kilograms), and L is the specific latent heat of vaporization (in joules per kilogram).

First, let's convert the worker's weight from pounds to kilograms:

220 pounds * (0.4536 kg / 1 pound) ≈ 99.79 kg

Next, we need to convert the amount of sweat lost from pounds to kilograms:

8 pounds * (0.4536 kg / 1 pound) ≈ 3.6288 kg

Now, we need to determine the specific latent heat of vaporization of water. The specific latent heat of vaporization for water is approximately 2,257,000 joules per kilogram.

Finally, we can calculate the heat lost through evaporation:

Q = m * L
Q = 3.6288 kg * 2,257,000 J/kg
Q ≈ 8,177,998.4 joules

Therefore, the worker will lose approximately 8,177,998.4 joules of heat through evaporation during the day.