Blacks who moved to northern cities found:

1. inability to vote

2. quality public housing

3. acceptance and respect

4. middle-class status

5. new problems and forms of exploitation

is it 4 or 3 ?

Refer to your later post, which I saw and answered first.


To determine whether option 4 or option 3 is the correct answer, we need to understand the experiences of Blacks who moved to northern cities during a specific time period.

The Great Migration, which took place from the early 1900s to the mid-1970s, refers to the movement of millions of African Americans from the rural South to urban areas in the North, Midwest, and West of the United States. This migration was primarily driven by economic opportunities and the desire to escape racial discrimination and violence in the South.

While some Blacks who moved to northern cities were able to achieve upward mobility and attain middle-class status, it is important to note that this was not the universal experience for all migrants. Economic and social conditions varied depending on factors such as education, skills, employment opportunities, and racial discrimination.

Option 4, middle-class status, may have been a possible outcome for some Blacks who secured stable jobs and improved their socioeconomic status. However, it does not apply to the overall experience of all migrants. Therefore, option 4 is not the correct answer.

Option 3, acceptance and respect, may not accurately capture the experiences of Black migrants either. Although many Blacks hoped to find better treatment and less racial discrimination in northern cities, the reality was often different. They faced significant racial hostility, segregated communities, limited job opportunities, and other forms of discrimination. Therefore, option 3 also does not accurately represent the experiences of Black migrants.

Option 5, new problems and forms of exploitation, is the correct answer. While some Blacks were able to improve their economic situation, they also encountered new challenges. These challenges included overcrowded living conditions, racial tensions, discriminatory practices in employment and housing, and exploitation by landlords and employers. These issues highlighted the complex and multifaceted nature of the Great Migration and the realities faced by Black migrants.

In conclusion, neither option 4 nor option 3 is the correct answer. The correct answer is option 5, as it better reflects the experiences of Blacks who moved to northern cities during the Great Migration.