Jane is taking a class and asks you to help her figure out what her last grade must be in the class to get a 85 in the class. She tells you the following calculation is used to find your final grade:


x is her last score which has not been taken. Explain this equation and the process you would use to solve for the unknown test score. Solve for the test score.

** could you please elaborate on how you came to the conclusion of the answer?

Thank you!

The equation "w2d2" represents the weighted average of the grades in the class. Each grade is multiplied by a weight and then added together.

To solve for the unknown test score, we need to know the weights of the grades and the scores Jane has already received. The weights are represented by the letter "w" and the scores by the letter "d".

However, you mentioned that the calculation is missing the "x" which represents the unknown score. To solve for the test score, we need to include "x" in the equation. The revised equation becomes:

w1d1 + w2d2 + x

Now, to find the unknown test score (x) that Jane needs to get a final grade of 85, we follow these steps:

1. Determine the weights of the grades (w1 and w2) - Jane should provide this information. The weights can represent the importance or percentage value of each grade toward the final grade.

2. Determine the scores Jane has already received (d1 and d2) - again, Jane should provide these scores.

3. Substitute the known weights and scores into the equation. It should look something like this (assuming w1 = 0.3, w2 = 0.7, d1 = 90, d2 = 80):

0.3 * 90 + 0.7 * 80 + x = 85

4. Now, we solve for x. Rearrange the equation to isolate x:

0.3 * 90 + 0.7 * 80 + x = 85
27 + 56 + x = 85
x = 85 - 27 - 56
x = 2

Therefore, Jane would need a score of 2 on her final test to achieve a final grade of 85 in the class.

I hope this explanation clarifies the process and helps you understand how to solve for the unknown test score.