Stupid question but i have two critiques on Robert Frost's "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening", how would i write the critics points without quoting like everything they stated? The critics have made some major points but i don't want to quote everything.

Paraphrase their criticisms.

Study these sites for information about paraphrasing.

Thanx :D

You're welcome.

When writing about critiques on Robert Frost's "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" without quoting everything, you can summarize the major points by following these steps:

1. Read and understand the critics' opinions: Thoroughly go through the critiques and identify the main points they make about the poem. Ensure that you comprehend their arguments and perspectives.

2. Identify key ideas: Look for the essential concepts or arguments that the critics present. These could be recurring themes, stylistic devices, symbolism, or interpretations of the poem.

3. Organize your thoughts: Create an outline or list of the key ideas you want to discuss. Decide on the structure of your critique, considering whether you want to address each point individually or analyze them together.

4. Summarize the main points concisely: Instead of quoting everything said by the critics, rephrase their viewpoints in your own words. Condense their arguments into concise sentences while retaining the essence of their thoughts.

5. Provide context and support: It's important to provide context for each point you make. Explain the background of the critics or their theoretical framework, if applicable. Additionally, offer examples or evidence from the poem itself to support the critics' claims or to explain why you agree or disagree with them.

6. Consider counterarguments if necessary: If there are opposing viewpoints or critiques that you come across, it can be helpful to acknowledge them and address why you agree or disagree with those perspectives as well.

Remember to maintain a balance between summarizing the critics' opinions and expressing your own ideas and analysis.