What is Sojourner Truth's attitude toward the Bible?

Sojourner Truth couldn't read, but she had people read the Bible to her and often preached about the Bible.



These two sites will give you some of her ideas.


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To determine Sojourner Truth's attitude toward the Bible, we can look at her speeches and writings where she discussed her beliefs and views on religion. Sojourner Truth was a prominent African-American abolitionist and women's rights activist in the 19th century. She was known for her powerful speeches and strong convictions.

One significant aspect of Truth's attitude toward the Bible was her belief in its authority and her use of biblical references in her activism. She often quoted from the Bible to support her arguments for the abolition of slavery and women's rights. In her speeches, she referenced stories like the Exodus, where the Israelites were led out of bondage, to draw parallels with the struggle for freedom and equality of African-Americans and women.

However, it is important to note that while Truth respected the Bible's teachings, she also critiqued how it had been interpreted and used to justify slavery and the mistreatment of African-Americans. She questioned these interpretations and asserted the need for a more inclusive and egalitarian understanding of the scripture.

In summary, Sojourner Truth had a complex attitude toward the Bible. She recognized its importance as a source of inspiration and moral guidance, often incorporating biblical references into her activism. However, she also critiqued its misuse and advocated for a more inclusive interpretation that championed the rights and equality of all individuals.