independent regulatory commissions

a. supervise federal workers
b. have some legislative-like and judicial like powers
c. serve federal workers
d. may resemble businesses

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The correct answer to the question is b. Independent regulatory commissions have some legislative-like and judicial-like powers.

To arrive at this answer, it is helpful to understand what independent regulatory commissions are. Independent regulatory commissions are government agencies that are created to regulate specific industries or sectors of the economy. They operate independently of the executive branch and are intended to be non-partisan.

Supervising federal workers (option a) is not a primary function of independent regulatory commissions. While these commissions do have the authority to enforce regulations and rules related to their specific sector, their focus is primarily on regulating the industries or sectors they oversee, rather than managing federal workers.

Option c, serving federal workers, is also not a primary function of independent regulatory commissions. These commissions are more concerned with regulating specific industries or sectors to ensure fair practices, consumer protection, and compliance with relevant laws and regulations.

Option d, resembling businesses, is partially true. Independent regulatory commissions often have characteristics that resemble businesses. They have a degree of independence from the executive branch, and their structure and operations are designed to reflect impartiality and expertise in the sector they regulate. However, their primary purpose is not to function as businesses but to regulate and oversee specific industries or sectors.

Therefore, the correct answer is b. Independent regulatory commissions have some legislative-like and judicial-like powers, as they often have the authority to make rules and regulations within their sectors and can also adjudicate disputes or violations of those regulations.