How many vertices, edges, and faces does pyramid have?

How many edges hase a piramid

Helloooo will someone answer me


Do someone listen 👂 too me

its 5

Emiliya I got ya :) its


To determine the number of vertices, edges, and faces of a pyramid, we need to understand its shape. A pyramid is a three-dimensional geometric solid with a polygonal base and triangular faces that converge to a single point called the apex.

The number of vertices:
A pyramid has one apex (top point) and the same number of vertices as its base shape. So, if the base of the pyramid is a polygon with "n" sides, then the pyramid will have "n + 1" vertices. For example:
- A square base pyramid (tetrahedron) has 4 vertices (1 apex + 4 sides).
- A triangular base pyramid has 4 vertices (1 apex + 3 sides).

The number of edges:
A pyramid has a total of edges that consist of the edges of its base shape and the edges connecting the base to the apex. If the base of the pyramid has "n" sides, then the pyramid will have "n + 1" edges. For example:
- A square base pyramid (tetrahedron) has 6 edges (4 edges of the square base + 4 edges connecting the base to the apex, but 2 of those edges are shared with the base).
- A triangular base pyramid has 6 edges (3 edges of the triangle base + 3 edges connecting the base to the apex, but 2 of those edges are shared with the base).

The number of faces:
A pyramid has one base and triangular faces. So, it has "n + 1" faces if the base has "n" sides. For example:
- A square base pyramid (tetrahedron) has 5 faces (1 square base + 4 triangular faces).
- A triangular base pyramid has 4 faces (1 triangle base + 3 triangular faces).

By knowing the type of pyramid (square base, triangular base, etc.), you can determine the number of vertices, edges, and faces using the formulas mentioned above.

That depends upon the type of pyramid.