Concerning dictionaries and their proper use, which one of the following statements is most accurate?

A. A dictionary's word entry offers a fixed, permanent meaning.

B. A syllable is a unit of sound.

C. Formal usage of a word is considered colloquial.

D. Foreign words are not included in English dictionaries.

i think its c but idk

In linguistics, the answer is B.


Okay, thank you. :)

To determine the most accurate statement about dictionaries, let's analyze each option:

A. A dictionary's word entry offers a fixed, permanent meaning.
Explanation: This statement is generally true. Dictionaries aim to provide definitions that are accurate and consistent over time. However, dictionaries can sometimes adapt to changes in language usage or include multiple meanings for a word.

B. A syllable is a unit of sound.
Explanation: This statement is accurate. A syllable is the basic unit of pronunciation, typically consisting of a vowel sound or a combination of consonant and vowel sounds.

C. Formal usage of a word is considered colloquial.
Explanation: This statement is incorrect. Formal usage refers to language used in formal or professional settings and is not considered colloquial, which refers to casual or informal language.

D. Foreign words are not included in English dictionaries.
Explanation: This statement is incorrect. English dictionaries often include foreign words that are commonly used by English speakers, such as loanwords or words from other languages that have been adopted into English.

Based on the explanations provided, the most accurate statement among the options is B: A syllable is a unit of sound.