Which of the following was the primary cause of the Balkan Wars conducted during the Clinton administration?

A. The rise to power of Slobodan Milosevic in Serbia

B. The UN peacekeepers' inability to stem ethnic cleansing

C. Muslim activism in Bosnia

D. The breakup of the former state of Yugoslavia

Please help have no clue.

okay i think its b, but idk for sure.


Please read the above article and try again.

Yes. It's d.

Actually, there are many reasons for the Balkan wars. One of the reason for the Balkan wars during the Clinton adm was the rise of Serbia's dictator Slobodan Milosevic, who sought to control all of Yugoslavia. However, the PRIMARY cause was the break up of the Rebulics of Yugoslavia so it is D.

Slovenia was the first republic to declare independence, but Serbia did not want to so it had a 10 day war with Slovenia, but Slovenia did achieve Independence. Croatia followed next and once again Serbia went to war with Croatia and Bosnia. The most frequent indepence came from Kosovo 2008, but they were involved in a brutal war with Serbia during 1999. Prsident Clinton accused Serbia of ethnic cleansing of the Albanian population in Kosovo by the Serbian army. So he had NATO bomb Serbia for 72 day, and that when Serbia officially withdrew their army from Kosovo.

its d the breakup of the former state of yugoslavia

To determine the primary cause of the Balkan Wars conducted during the Clinton administration, let's analyze each option:

A. The rise to power of Slobodan Milosevic in Serbia: Slobodan Milosevic's rise to power in Serbia played a significant role in the Balkan Wars. Milosevic, as the leader of Serbia, adopted nationalist and expansionist ideologies, leading to increased tensions with other ethnic groups in the region. However, it is not the primary cause of the Balkan Wars.

B. The UN peacekeepers' inability to stem ethnic cleansing: While the UN peacekeepers' inability to prevent or stop ethnic cleansing is a contributing factor to the escalating conflict, it is not the primary cause of the Balkan Wars.

C. Muslim activism in Bosnia: Muslim activism in Bosnia, particularly during the breakup of Yugoslavia, was a response to various political and social changes in the country. While it played a role in the conflict, it is not the primary cause of the Balkan Wars.

D. The breakup of the former state of Yugoslavia: The breakup of the former state of Yugoslavia is widely considered the primary cause of the Balkan Wars. The dissolution of Yugoslavia led to ethnic tensions and conflicts, sparked by nationalist aspirations and territorial disputes among different ethnic groups.

Therefore, the correct answer is D. The breakup of the former state of Yugoslavia.

To answer such questions, it is helpful to have background knowledge and study historical events and their causes. Reading books, articles, or scholarly research on the topic can provide a deeper understanding of the subject matter. Consulting reputable historical sources is always recommended when seeking accurate information.