I am writing an essay on As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner. What are some biblical allusions in the novel?

In order to identify biblical allusions in William Faulkner's novel As I Lay Dying, you can follow these steps:

1. Read the text attentively: Begin by re-reading the novel, paying close attention to any references, quotes, or passages that seem parallel or reminiscent of biblical stories, characters, or themes.

2. Be familiar with the Bible: To recognize biblical allusions, it is essential to have a basic understanding of the Bible, its narratives, and its major themes. Familiarize yourself with commonly referenced stories, figures, and concepts in the Bible, such as Adam and Eve, Noah and the Flood, Cain and Abel, the Garden of Eden, the Ten Commandments, etc.

3. Look for direct quotes or direct references to biblical figures: Keep an eye out for explicit mentions of biblical characters, events, or sayings. These might be in the form of direct quotes or recognizable paraphrases.

4. Analyze character names: Pay attention to character names used by Faulkner, as they often carry symbolic meanings or allude to religious figures. For example, the name "Jewel" could be associated with treasures, reflecting the biblical notion that jewels and treasures have spiritual significance.

5. Identify religious motifs or themes: Look for recurring motifs, symbols, or themes that reflect religious or biblical concepts. For instance, the journey or quest motif can be linked to biblical stories like Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt.

6. Consult literary analysis: After completing steps 1 to 5, you can also refer to literary analyses, criticism, or scholarly articles on As I Lay Dying to gain insights from others who have explored the presence of biblical allusions in the novel.

Remember, understanding and recognizing biblical allusions will not only enhance your analysis of As I Lay Dying but also help you appreciate the layers of meaning Faulkner intends to convey through his writing.