Hey so im reading the kite runner and i have to asnwer comprehension quesions n idk how to answer these questions...sparknotes kinda help but at the same time it doesnt. so can somebody help me.

1) How did Hassan come into Amir's life? What contrast is made between Amir and Hassan? (chapter 2)
2) What are Baba values? How does he relate to extremely religious leaders?
3) What does Baba present to Hassan suggest about his character? How does Amir react to this present? Why did the present turn out to be ironic?
4) Why do boys in Afghanistan during the winter of 1975 have gashes on their fingers? What is tar?
5) What is the proudest moment of 12 year old amir's life as described in chapter 7?

I'd be happy to help you with these comprehension questions! Let's break them down one by one:

1) How did Hassan come into Amir's life? What contrast is made between Amir and Hassan? (chapter 2)

Hassan comes into Amir's life as a young boy when Amir's father, Baba, brings him home from the market as a servant. Hassan is from a lower social class and belongs to the Hazara ethnic group, while Amir is a Pashtun. The contrast between Amir and Hassan is emphasized through their different social statuses and ethnic backgrounds. Amir is privileged and belongs to the dominant group, while Hassan is marginalized and belongs to a minority group.

2) What are Baba's values? How does he relate to extremely religious leaders?

Baba values courage, bravery, and standing up for what is right. He believes in personal strength and integrity. However, Baba does not have a strong connection to extremely religious leaders. He has his own understanding of spirituality and tends to keep his beliefs personal instead of adhering strictly to religious teachings.

3) What does Baba's present to Hassan suggest about his character? How does Amir react to this present? Why did the present turn out to be ironic?

Baba's present to Hassan is a kite, which suggests that Baba acknowledges and appreciates Hassan's skills in kite flying, as it is a popular sport in Afghanistan. It also indicates Baba's affection for Hassan as a son figure. However, Amir reacts with jealousy because he also wants Baba's attention and approval. The present turns out to be ironic because while Hassan's kite flying skills make Amir proud, they also lead to a tragic event that changes their lives forever.

4) Why do boys in Afghanistan during the winter of 1975 have gashes on their fingers? What is tar?

During the winter of 1975 in Afghanistan, boys have gashes on their fingers because they are cutting their fingers intentionally. They do this to harden their fingers and make them less susceptible to pain when they play with the strings of their kites. Tar is a sticky substance that boys use on the strings of their kites to make them more effective in kite fighting.

5) What is the proudest moment of 12-year-old Amir's life as described in chapter 7?

The proudest moment of 12-year-old Amir's life, as described in chapter 7, is when he wins the annual kite-fighting tournament in Kabul. This victory is significant because it earns him his father's pride and approval. It is a moment where Amir feels a sense of accomplishment and validation, momentarily overcoming his insecurities and yearning for Baba's love and attention.

Of course, I'd be happy to help you answer these comprehension questions about "The Kite Runner"! Here's how you can find the answers:

1) How did Hassan come into Amir's life? What contrast is made between Amir and Hassan? (chapter 2)
To answer this question, you can refer to Chapter 2 of the book. Look for passages that describe the circumstances of Hassan's entrance into Amir's life. Pay attention to any key events or interactions that shape their friendship. Additionally, look for moments that highlight the contrasting personalities, backgrounds, or treatment of Amir and Hassan.

2) What are Baba's values? How does he relate to extremely religious leaders?
Explore different parts of the book where Baba's values and beliefs are discussed or demonstrated. Analyze his actions, conversations, and moral choices to get a sense of his values and how they differ from those of extremely religious leaders. Consider how he interacts with others, especially those who have strong religious beliefs.

3) What does Baba's present to Hassan suggest about his character? How does Amir react to this present? Why did the present turn out to be ironic?
Look for the part in the book where Baba presents a gift to Hassan and observe the reactions of both Hassan and Amir. Consider the symbolic meaning behind the gift and what it reveals about Baba's character. Think about how Amir's reaction adds depth to the situation. The irony of the present may become apparent through examining the characters' relationships and motivations.

4) Why do boys in Afghanistan during the winter of 1975 have gashes on their fingers? What is tar?
To understand this question, look for details in the book that explain the reasons why the boys in Afghanistan have gashes on their fingers during the specified winter. Search for the relevant chapter or sections, paying attention to descriptions of activities or traditions that might lead to such injuries. Additionally, identify what tar is and its significance in the story, as well as how it relates to the boys' finger injuries.

5) What is the proudest moment of 12-year-old Amir's life as described in Chapter 7?
To find the proudest moment of 12-year-old Amir's life, go to Chapter 7 of the book. Look for passages where Amir reflects on his accomplishments or experiences. Pay close attention to the events or achievements that evoke a sense of pride within him. By analyzing these moments, you should be able to determine the proudest moment described in the chapter.

Remember to support your answers with evidence from the text, such as direct quotes or specific references to events or characters. Take your time while reading and try to understand the context and significance of each question. If you encounter any difficulties, feel free to ask for further assistance!