The largest town square in the world is Tiananmen Square in Beijing, China, covering 98 acres.

A. 1 sq mile is 640 acres. Assuming that the Tiananmen Square is a square, how many feet long is a side to the nearest foot?
B. To the nearest foot, what is the diagonal distance across the Tiananmen Square?

Errr. Am I misreading something here?

98 acres = 98/640 = 0.153125 sq mi.
That's a square 0.3913 mi on a side.
That's 2066' on a side.
The diagonal is 2066√2 = 2922 ft.

sorry about that, of course Steve is right

I divided the wrong way, had a "Rick Perry" moment.

To find the length of each side of Tiananmen Square, we first need to convert the area from acres to square feet.

A. 1 acre is equal to 43,560 square feet. So, 98 acres is equal to 98 * 43,560 = 4,267,680 square feet.

Since Tiananmen Square is described as a square, we can find the length of its sides by taking the square root of the area.

Taking the square root of 4,267,680 gives us approximately 2,065.76 feet.

Therefore, the length of each side of Tiananmen Square is approximately 2,066 feet to the nearest foot.

B. The diagonal distance across a square can be found using the Pythagorean theorem. Since we already know the length of one side (2,065 feet), we can calculate the length of the diagonal.

According to the Pythagorean theorem, the square of the diagonal (d) is equal to the sum of the squares of the sides (a and b). In this case, d^2 = a^2 + b^2.

Since Tiananmen Square is a square, both sides have the same length (2,065 feet).

Applying the formula, we have d^2 = 2,065^2 + 2,065^2.

Calculating this equation, we find d^2 = 4,263,225 + 4,263,225 = 8,526,450.

Now, to find the value of d, we need to take the square root of 8,526,450.

The square root of 8,526,450 is approximately 2,919.94 feet.

Therefore, the diagonal distance across Tiananmen Square is approximately 2,920 feet to the nearest foot.

640 acres = 640/98 square miles or 6.5306 square miles

so each side is √6.5306 miles or 2.5555 miles

diagonal^2 = 2.5555^2 + 2.5555^2 = 13.06122
diagonal = √13.06122 = 3.614 miles

I will leave it up to you to convert the above miles into feet

BTW, the square would not be measured in feet, square miles or acres.
They would use metres, and hectares
China has been using the metric system for over 100 years.