Please help me with coming up with a thesis statement for this passage ?

In Cormac McCarthy's The Road, the father and an old man who is perhaps named Ely (167, 171) discuss God. Considering this passage carefully—“When I saw that boy I thought I had died.... What's wrong with that?" (172-173)—decide whether this scene answers an important question raised by the novel or alternatively raises questions answered more satisfactorily elsewhere.

I have no idea where to start from ? I mean I don't get what it means by "decide whether this scene answers an important question raised by the novel" ?

I have no idea where to start from ? I mean I don't get what it means by "decide whether this scene answers an important question raised by the novel" ?

To come up with a thesis statement for this passage, we first need to understand the main ideas presented in the passage. In this excerpt from Cormac McCarthy's novel The Road, the father and an old man named Ely engage in a conversation about God. The passage raises the question of whether this scene provides a satisfactory answer to an important question raised by the novel or if there are better answers elsewhere.

To form a thesis statement, you can take a stance on whether or not the scene in question indeed answers an important question raised by the novel. Here are a couple of potential thesis statements as examples:

1. While the dialogue between the father and Ely in The Road raises thought-provoking questions about God, the scene fails to offer a definitive answer, leaving the reader to seek further clarification elsewhere within the novel.

2. Through the conversation between the father and Ely in The Road, McCarthy successfully addresses important existential questions about God, providing a nuanced answer that resonates with the overall themes of the novel.

Remember, your thesis statement should present a clear position that you will support throughout your essay. It should be specific, arguable, and act as a roadmap for the rest of your paper.