Multiply and simplify


To multiply and simplify the expression (8v+4)(4x^2+9x+4), you can use the distributive property.

First, multiply the first term of the first expression (8v) by each term in the second expression separately:

(8v)(4x^2) = 32v(x^2) = 32v(x^2)

(8v)(9x) = 72vx

(8v)(4) = 32v

Next, multiply the second term of the first expression (4) by each term in the second expression separately:

(4)(4x^2) = 16x^2

(4)(9x) = 36x

(4)(4) = 16

Now, you can combine the like terms:

32v(x^2) + 72vx + 32v + 16x^2 + 36x + 16

Simplifying further, you have:

32v(x^2) + 72vx + 32v + 16x^2 + 36x + 16

Therefore, the simplified expression is 32v(x^2) + 72vx + 16x^2 + 36x + 32v + 16.