Using the Law of Cosines for vectors, give a vector proof that if quadrilateral ABCD is a rhombus, diagonal AC bisects <BAD. As part of your proof include a carefully drawn figure a statement of what is given, and a statement of what you are proving. I need help with this. I have no idea how to start or go about this.

a web search for "law of cosines for vectors" shows various articles. The 4th entry at tri-c dot edu ha a diagram and explanation.

To prove that diagonal AC bisects ∠BAD in a rhombus, we can use vector equations and the Law of Cosines for vectors.

Before we begin, let's first understand the given information and what we need to prove:
Given: ABCD is a rhombus
To Prove: Diagonal AC bisects ∠BAD

Now, let's start by drawing a carefully labeled figure to visualize the rhombus ABCD:

/ \
/ \
/ \
A /________\ C
\ /
\ /
\ /

In the rhombus ABCD, we have four sides of equal length:
AB = BC = CD = DA = a (let's label this common side length as 'a').

Next, we need to prove that diagonal AC bisects ∠BAD. To do this, we will show that vector AC is an average of vector AB and vector AD.

To calculate these vectors, consider points A, B, and D as position vectors:
Let vector AB be represented as vector --> p (from A to B)
Let vector AD be represented as vector --> q (from A to D)

The position vector of C can be expressed as:
vector --> r = vector --> p + vector --> q

Now, using the Law of Cosines for vectors, we have:
|vector --> r|^2 = |vector --> p|^2 + |vector --> q|^2 - 2|vector --> p||vector --> q|cos(∠BAD)

Since ABCD is a rhombus, we know that ∠ABD = ∠BAD (opposite angles of a rhombus are equal).
So, we can rewrite the equation as:
|vector --> r|^2 = |vector --> p|^2 + |vector --> q|^2 - 2|vector --> p||vector --> q|cos(∠ABD)

Since ABCD is a rhombus, |vector --> p| = |vector --> q| = a (using the property of equal sides).

Substituting these values, the equation becomes:
|vector --> r|^2 = a^2 + a^2 - 2(a)(a)cos(∠ABD)
|vector --> r|^2 = 2a^2 - 2a^2cos(∠ABD)

Now, consider the diagonal AC:
|vector --> r|^2 = |vector --> AC|^2

|vector --> AC|^2 = 2a^2 - 2a^2cos(∠ABD)

To prove that diagonal AC bisects ∠BAD, we need to show that |vector --> AC|^2 = |vector --> AD|^2, since this implies that ∠ACD = ∠ACB.

Using the same logic, we have:
|vector --> AD|^2 = 2a^2 - 2a^2cos(∠ABD)

Comparing these two equations, we can see that:
|vector --> AC|^2 = |vector --> AD|^2

Hence, diagonal AC bisects ∠BAD in the rhombus ABCD.

Note: This proof relies on vector calculations, so it may be helpful to have prior knowledge of vector operations and the Law of Cosines for vectors.