The U.S. lesson learned from the Vietnam War was that

a. public opinion could be ignored by leaders during wartime. b. nuclear weapons had utility in a war of insurgency. c. there were limits on America's ability to get its own way in the world. d. the national interest of the United States required a total disengagement from Asian affairs. e. constant bombing will force the enemy to concede defeat.


To determine the lesson learned from the Vietnam War, we can analyze each option:

a. Public opinion could be ignored by leaders during wartime: This statement is not entirely accurate. The Vietnam War saw widespread public protests and opposition, which ultimately influenced U.S. policy decisions.

b. Nuclear weapons had utility in a war of insurgency: This statement is not applicable to the Vietnam War. Nuclear weapons were not used in Vietnam, and the conflict primarily involved conventional warfare and guerrilla tactics.

c. There were limits on America's ability to get its own way in the world: This option is a commonly recognized lesson from the Vietnam War. The conflict demonstrated that the United States, despite its military power, could face significant challenges and limitations when attempting to achieve its objectives abroad.

d. The national interest of the United States required a total disengagement from Asian affairs: This statement is not supported by historical evidence. The United States remained involved in Asian affairs after the Vietnam War, both politically and economically.

e. Constant bombing will force the enemy to concede defeat: This approach was employed during the Vietnam War, known as the "strategic bombing campaign." However, it did not prove successful in forcing the enemy to concede defeat, challenging the effectiveness of this strategy.

Among the options provided, c. There were limits on America's ability to get its own way in the world, is the most accurate and widely acknowledged lesson learned from the Vietnam War.