Discuss the pros and cons of the following statement: “ Egalitarian companies are more innovative•Identify three organizations that you perceive as being innovative.

◦Identify the innovation and its impact upon each organization.

To discuss the pros and cons of the statement "Egalitarian companies are more innovative," we first need to understand the concept of egalitarianism and its relationship with innovation. Egalitarianism refers to a belief in equality, where all individuals are treated equally regardless of their social status, gender, race, or any other factors.

Pros of Egalitarian Companies:

1. Diversity of Ideas: Egalitarian companies are more likely to value diverse perspectives and ideas from all employees, regardless of their positions within the company. This can lead to a wider range of innovative ideas and solutions, as different perspectives bring unique insights and approaches.

2. Employee Engagement and Motivation: In an egalitarian environment, all employees feel valued and empowered, leading to increased engagement and motivation. When employees feel their opinions are respected and their contributions matter, they are more likely to take ownership of their work and strive for innovative solutions.

3. Collaboration and Teamwork: Egalitarian companies foster a culture of collaboration and teamwork, breaking down hierarchical barriers and encouraging open communication. This facilitates the exchange of ideas, knowledge sharing, and cross-functional collaboration, all of which are vital for fostering innovation.

Cons of Egalitarian Companies:

1. Complex Decision-making Process: As egalitarian companies aim to give equal weight to all opinions, decision-making processes can become more complex and time-consuming. This could potentially slow down the implementation of innovative ideas as consensus-building among team members may require additional effort.

2. Lack of Expertise Recognition: In an egalitarian system, the expertise and experience of individual employees may not be adequately recognized or utilized. This could lead to a situation where innovative ideas from knowledgeable individuals are overlooked in favor of providing equal opportunities for all employees to contribute.

3. Resistance to Change: Egalitarian companies may face challenges in implementing innovative ideas due to resistance from employees who are comfortable with existing processes. When employees have equal say in decision-making, they may be resistant to change or hesitant to adopt new approaches, which could impede innovation.

Now let's identify three organizations perceived as innovative and discuss the innovation and its impact on each organization:

1. Google:
Innovation: Google's search engine revolutionized online search by introducing algorithms that delivered highly relevant results.
Impact: This innovation propelled Google to become the leading search engine globally, enabling users to find information quickly and easily, leading to the company's dominance in the online advertising market.

2. Tesla:
Innovation: Tesla revolutionized the automotive industry by being one of the first companies to produce electric vehicles (EVs) at scale.
Impact: Tesla's innovative EVs not only disrupted the traditional automotive market but also accelerated the adoption of sustainable transportation, driving other automakers to invest in electric vehicle technologies.

3. Airbnb:
Innovation: Airbnb disrupted the hospitality industry by creating an online marketplace for individuals to rent out their homes and accommodations to travelers.
Impact: This innovation revolutionized the way people travel and created new income opportunities for homeowners. Airbnb's platform has expanded the options for accommodation worldwide and challenged traditional hotel chains.

These are just a few examples of innovative organizations and the impact their innovations had on their respective industries. It's worth noting that innovative companies can exist in both egalitarian and non-egalitarian environments. The key lies in creating a culture that values and promotes innovation, regardless of the organizational structure.