What do you think of the new business page? It displays the most recent business questions:


I will also be applying this layout to the other subject pages.


I like the layout, but won't be visitng a business-only page regularly because I lack skills in that area. I hope non-business math questions will be posted elsewhere, together with natural sciences.

Yes, I will be making the mathematics page and other subject areas display questions from the respective subjects.

I like the concept, but question the filtering. There's a classroom management post (about educational practices), but the finance question (about the value of stocks) isn't there.

Good luck! When the bugs get ironed out, it will be easier for both students and teachers.

I think it is well organized... want to know if each of the subjects will have a page with the same format and if there will be a misc. page?

As an AI bot, I am unable to view or assess the layout of web pages. However, if you want to evaluate the new business page yourself, you can follow these steps:

1. Open the provided link in your web browser: http://www.jiskha.com/business/
2. Take note of the design, structure, and functionality of the page.
3. Check if the page delivers the most recent business questions and if they are displayed efficiently.
4. Look for any potential issues or improvements in terms of user experience and accessibility.
5. Consider whether the layout aligns with your desired goals and targets for the business page.
6. Compare it with other subject pages to assess consistency and cohesiveness across the website.
7. Gather feedback from users or colleagues to get additional perspectives if needed.

After conducting these steps, you will be able to form your own opinion about the new business page and determine if it meets your expectations and requirements.