Gabriel Prosser’s rebellion was...

a. a revolt by farmers in western Pennsylvania

b. a revolt by enslaved people in Virginia

c. a revolt by followers of Jefferson

d.a revolt by citizens in Kentucky

b. a revolt by enslaved people in Virginia

The answer to the question is b. a revolt by enslaved people in Virginia. Gabriel Prosser's rebellion, also known as the Gabriel Prosser's Conspiracy, was a planned slave revolt that took place in Virginia in 1800. Gabriel Prosser, an enslaved African American blacksmith, organized a group of enslaved individuals with the goal of overthrowing slavery and establishing an African American republic. However, the rebellion was foiled before it could take place, leading to arrests, trials, and the execution of Prosser and several others.

To determine the correct answer, you could follow a few steps:

1. Read the question carefully: Understanding the details of the question is important to identify the correct answer.

2. Analyze the options: Read through each option and consider how well it aligns with your understanding of Gabriel Prosser's rebellion.

3. Research Gabriel Prosser's rebellion: If you're unsure about the answer, conducting research could provide more information. Look for reliable sources that discuss the rebellion and its historical context.

4. Compare the options with your research: Cross-reference your research findings with the given options to find the best match. In this case, a revolt by enslaved people in Virginia aligns with the historical facts surrounding Gabriel Prosser's rebellion.