I forgot to add the following things.

Thank you very much.
1) Coco Chanel rose to become ( I need a synonym) one of the foremost designers in France.
2) She was probably the most influential female designer ever. (What is the meaning of "ever" here?)
3) Chanel No. 5 is still on eof the premier brands today.
4) His love for travelling stemmed from (synonym: derived from) his days as fabric buyer.

1) To find a synonym for "rose to become," you can use a thesaurus or search for related words. One way to do this is by searching online for synonyms of "rose" or "achieved success." For example, you could search for phrases like "reached the top," "attained prominence," or "ascended to greatness." These searches will provide various alternatives that you can choose based on the specific context and tone of your sentence.

2) In the sentence "She was probably the most influential female designer ever," the word "ever" is used to emphasize the extreme significance of her influence. "Ever" here implies that, throughout history, there has never been a more influential female designer than Coco Chanel. It suggests that her impact transcends time and continues to be unrivaled by any other designer, past or present.

3) To support the claim that Chanel No. 5 is still one of the premier brands today, you can cite reliable sources such as industry reports, market analyses, or historical references. Reputable fashion publications or websites that focus on luxury brands can provide information on Chanel No. 5's current market position, sales figures, and customer reviews. Additionally, you can compare it to other well-known perfume brands, considering factors such as popularity, market share, and brand reputation to emphasize its premier status.

4) To find a synonymous phrase for "stemmed from," you can again refer to a thesaurus for relevant alternatives. Searching for synonyms of "stemmed from" or "derived from" will give you options like "originated from," "sprung from," or "resulted from." These choices will help you convey the idea that his love for traveling has its roots in or is connected to his previous experience as a fabric buyer. Consider choosing a synonym that best fits the tone and style of your writing.