Psychologists using information from old newspapers to study human behavior are engaging in:

a. developmental research
b. archival research
c. naturalistic observation
d. survey research

is it B im confused

2. Kevin and Cheryl had completed their first day of naturalistic observation of adolescents at the local high school. As they discussed their experiences during the day, they found that they were both concerned about the difference their presence in the classrooms made on adolescent behavior. This is an important question since, in truly naturalistic research, researchers cannot:

a. be unobservable
b. manipulate the independent variable
c. be seen, and not heard
d. change the situation

is it C

I agree with your first answer. But I'm not sure of your second answer.

Check these sites to see if they clarify this question.

it is B

Thanks for clarifying it.

Kevin and Cheryl had completed their first day of naturalistic observation of adolescents at the local high school. As they discussed their experiences during the day, they found that they were both concerned about the difference their presence in the classrooms made on adolescent behavior. This is an important question since, in truly naturalistic research, researchers should

A. be unobtrusive
B. manipulate the independent variable
C. be seen and interact with the subjects
D. not change the situation
E. operationally define the variables
F. record the observed variables that are part of the study

1. Yes, you are correct. Psychologists using information from old newspapers to study human behavior are engaging in archival research. Archival research involves analyzing and interpreting existing records or data, such as historical documents, newspapers, and other forms of archived information. In this case, the psychologists are using old newspapers as a source of data to gain insights into human behavior.

To arrive at this answer, it is important to understand the definition and purpose of archival research. Archival research typically involves reviewing and analyzing existing records or data to answer research questions or explore a particular phenomenon. In this scenario, the psychologists are utilizing old newspapers as a source of information for their research, which aligns with the principles of archival research.

2. No, the correct answer is D. In truly naturalistic research, researchers cannot change the situation. Naturalistic observation involves observing and studying individuals or groups in their natural environment without any interference or manipulation by the researchers. Therefore, the researchers cannot intentionally modify the setting or situation under investigation in naturalistic observation.

In this scenario, Kevin and Cheryl are concerned about the impact their presence in the classrooms may have on adolescent behavior. This reveals their awareness of a potential limitation in their naturalistic research. They cannot manipulate or alter the situation to observe how adolescent behavior would unfold without their presence, which is a fundamental aspect of naturalistic observation. Choice C, "be seen, and not heard," is not directly related to the restriction imposed by truly naturalistic research.