
To simplify the expression 4/vy^2 + 9/v^2y, you can start by finding a common denominator for both terms. Let's break down the expression step by step:

Step 1: Finding a common denominator
To find the common denominator for vy^2 and v^2y, we need to think about the highest power of v and y in both terms. In this case, the highest power of v is v^2 in the second term, and the highest power of y is y^2 in the first term. So, the common denominator will be v^2y^2.

Step 2: Expanding the terms
Now, multiply each term by the necessary factor so that they both have the common denominator v^2y^2:

4/vy^2 becomes 4 * v / (v * y^2) = 4v / vy^2
9/v^2y becomes 9 * y / (v^2 * y) = 9y / v^2y

Step 3: Combining the terms
Now that the terms have the same denominator, we can add them together:

4v / vy^2 + 9y / v^2y = (4v + 9y) / v^2y

So, the simplified expression is (4v + 9y) / v^2y.