"I eated it all up!"said Jimmy. Mrs. Newman, his teacher, should say.

A. "Jimmy,say that again, but instead of saying "I eated it all up!"I ate it all up!' B. "What did you eat up?"

Mrs. Newman should say option A.

To understand why, let's analyze Jimmy's statement: "I eated it all up!"

The correct past tense of "eat" is "ate". So, Mrs. Newman should correct Jimmy's grammar by asking him to repeat the sentence using the correct past tense form.

Option A: "Jimmy, say that again, but instead of saying 'I eated it all up!', say 'I ate it all up!'"

This option acknowledges Jimmy's statement and provides him with the correct form of the verb "eat" in the past tense.

Option B: "What did you eat up?"

While this option asks for clarification about what Jimmy ate, it does not address the grammatical error in his sentence. Mrs. Newman's goal should be to correct Jimmy's grammar and help him learn the correct use of the past tense form.

A. "Jimmy, say that again, but instead of saying 'I eated it all up!', say 'I ate it all up!'"