30 customers the first week and 55 customers the second week and 80 customers the third week, what would you project for week 4

80 + 25 = ?

though if you're going off of the mean (average) week 4 would get 55 customers

oddly enough the median (middle number) is 55 as well. There is no mode (most common number)
to calc. average, 30+55+80=165/3=55

The first answer is still correct based on trend so i would go with that

To project the number of customers for week 4, we can observe the trend in the increase of customers from one week to the next.

First, we calculate the difference in the number of customers between each consecutive week:
Week 2: 55 customers - 30 customers = 25 customers
Week 3: 80 customers - 55 customers = 25 customers

Since the difference between each week is a constant 25 customers, we can assume that this trend will continue for Week 4.

To calculate the projected number of customers for Week 4, we add 25 to the number of customers in Week 3:
Week 4: 80 customers + 25 customers = 105 customers

Therefore, we can project that there will be approximately 105 customers in Week 4 based on the provided information.