the folowing equation 9+8x7-6x5+4x3+2=105

How do u get this?


this is the problem and answer from a math book. the closets i came is 103.

i will ask the teacher how to get it.

(9+8)*(7-6)*5+4*(3+2) = 105. You gotta add the parentheses first to get it to work. Remember that multiplication ALWAYS is done 1st.

No, the parentheses always comes first. That is the rule of PEMDAS.

Idek I need help!

Thanks for the answer

please help me if you dont my mom will spank me

To solve the equation 9 + 8×7 - 6×5 + 4×3 + 2 = 105, you need to follow the order of operations (also known as BEDMAS or PEMDAS):

1. Evaluate any operations inside parentheses: There are no parentheses in this equation.

2. Perform any multiplications and divisions, from left to right:

8×7 = 56
6×5 = 30
4×3 = 12

3. Perform any additions and subtractions, from left to right:

9 + 56 - 30 + 12 + 2 = 49

Therefore, the solution to this equation is 49, not 105. It seems like there might be an error or misunderstanding in the equation you provided.


9 + 56 - 30 + 12 + 2

sure ain't 105

it's (9+8) (7-6) (3+3)

U always have to do either multiplication or division first. This is how u get the answer: (9+8)*(7-6)*5+4*(3+2)=105!☺😊😁😀😇🙆🙌🙋😺😸