Assume that a computer is to decide whether a student passes or fails based on the average marks obtained in 5 subjects. A student passes if the average mark is 50 or above. Identify the input,processing&output of this operation.

1.Input marks and store in a[0] to a[4].

2.Calculate average using a for-loop.
3. Decide (using an if-statement) if the student passes according to the given criterion.
4. Output marks and status (pass or fail).

the in put is their mark,the processing is dividing the marks to the total number of the subject,the output is the average.

Input: The input for this operation is the average marks obtained by a student in 5 subjects.

Processing: The processing involves comparing the average marks with the passing threshold of 50. If the average marks are 50 or above, the student passes. Otherwise, the student fails.

Output: The output of this operation is the decision on whether the student passes or fails based on their average marks.