One number in each group does not fit


Hey, we pretty much did the last one. You try this one first.

Damon I really don't understand please one mom does not understand either

To identify the pattern in each group and find the number that does not fit, we need to analyze the sequence of numbers and look for any consistent mathematical or logical patterns.

1. Group 1: 66, 90, 32, 45, 300
Looking at the numbers, there doesn't seem to be an obvious mathematical pattern or progression. However, if we sort the numbers in ascending order, we can see that 32 and 45 both appear smaller than the rest. Therefore, it seems that the numbers 32 and 45 do not fit the pattern.

2. Group 2: 99, 981, 459, 89, 729
Analyzing the numbers, we notice that they are all related to powers or multiples of 3. More specifically:
99 = 3^2 * 11
981 = 3^4 * 109
459 = 3^3 * 17
89 = 3^0 * 89
729 = 3^6

From this observation, we can conclude that the numbers in this group are all derived from powers of 3. The number that does not fit the pattern is 89, as it is not a power of 3 nor related to any multiples of 3.

3. Group 3: 128, 244, 556, 788, 762
Examining the numbers, we can observe that they all have a pattern in their digits. Specifically, the units digit alternates between 8 and 2, and the tens digit increases by 1 each time. So, we can express the pattern as follows:
128 = 12 * 10 + 8
244 = 24 * 10 + 4
556 = 55 * 10 + 6
788 = 78 * 10 + 8
762 = 76 * 10 + 2

From this pattern, it can be deduced that the number 762 is the one that does not fit, as it breaks the pattern by having a units digit of 2 instead of 6.

By analyzing the given patterns and numbers, we can identify the numbers that do not follow the established patterns in each group.