to the nearest ten, a jar contains 60 marbels. What is the least number os marbels that can be in the jar? What is the greatest number?

at least 55, at most 64

0 and 0

To find the least and greatest number of marbles that can be in the jar to the nearest ten, we need to consider the possible ranges.

To find the least number of marbles, we round down to the nearest ten, which means finding the multiple of ten that is less than or equal to the given number. In this case, the multiple of ten that is less than or equal to 60 is 60 itself. So, the least number of marbles that can be in the jar is 60.

To find the greatest number of marbles, we round up to the nearest ten, which means finding the multiple of ten that is greater than or equal to the given number. In this case, the multiple of ten that is greater than or equal to 60 is 70. So, the greatest number of marbles that can be in the jar is 70.

Therefore, the least number of marbles in the jar is 60, and the greatest number of marbles in the jar is 70.