Advocates of deregulation are primarily concerned with

a. efficiency.
c. externalities.
e. political expediency.

I would say E?

Thank you, so it is E.

The correct answer is a. efficiency. Advocates of deregulation are primarily concerned with promoting efficiency in various sectors of the economy. Deregulation aims to decrease government intervention in markets, allowing free competition and market forces to drive efficiency, innovation, and growth. It is often believed that excessive regulations can stifle economic activity and hinder productivity. Therefore, advocates of deregulation prioritize efficiency as a key benefit of reducing government regulation.

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the concept of deregulation and the concerns associated with it.

Deregulation refers to the process of reducing or eliminating government regulations and restrictions on industries, businesses, or economic activities. Advocates of deregulation argue that it can promote economic efficiency and growth by reducing barriers to entry, stimulating competition, and improving market outcomes.

Option a. Efficiency: Efficiency is indeed a primary concern for advocates of deregulation. They argue that excessive regulations can lead to inefficiencies such as higher costs, reduced competition, and slower innovation. Deregulation is believed to create a more efficient market by allowing businesses to freely compete and allocate resources based on market forces.

Option c. Externalities: Externalities refer to the consequences or effects of an economic activity that impact people or entities not directly involved in the activity. While externalities can be a concern in the context of regulation, they are not necessarily the primary focus of advocates of deregulation. Instead, they tend to prioritize the benefits of increased efficiency and market competition.

Option e. Political expediency: Political expediency refers to making decisions or taking actions based on immediate or short-term advantages, often driven by political considerations. While political expediency can play a role in the agenda of policymakers, it is not a commonly cited concern for advocates of deregulation.

Therefore, the correct answer to the question is option a. Efficiency. Advocates of deregulation are primarily concerned with promoting efficiency in the economy.