What are some examples of Divine of rights of kings, i really need some examples to support my reasoning for my project, please help ! Thank you !!

The concept of the Divine Right of Kings suggests that monarchs are chosen by God and therefore have absolute authority to rule. Here are a few examples of historical figures and events related to the Divine Right of Kings that you can use to support your reasoning in your project:

1. Louis XIV of France: Known as the "Sun King," Louis XIV is often associated with the Divine Right of Kings. He famously declared, "L'État, c'est moi" (I am the state), emphasizing his belief in divine authority. During his reign, he centralized power, expanded royal control, and promoted the idea that his reign was mandated by God.

2. James I of England: In England, James I promoted the concept of the Divine Right of Kings through his writings. He argued that kings were accountable only to God and should not be questioned or opposed by their subjects. His ideas had a significant impact on the political discourse in England during the early 17th century.

3. The English Civil War: The clash between the supporters of the Divine Right of Kings and their opponents during the English Civil War is another example. The conflict arose from disagreements over the extent of royal authority and the rights of Parliament. The war eventually led to the abolition of the monarchy and the establishment of a republic in England.

4. The Glorious Revolution: The Glorious Revolution of 1688 in England marked a significant shift in the concept of divine right. Following the overthrow of James II, William III and Mary II were invited to rule, but with limited powers. Their ascension to the throne represented a move towards constitutional monarchy, as their authority was derived from consent and contractual arrangements.

When discussing these examples, make sure to explain how they relate to the Divine Right of Kings and its influence on political systems and developments during those times. Additionally, provide historical context and evidence to support your reasoning.