•Huge corporations own every television network and most other media outlets. How does this affect their news coverage? How much influence do you think these corporations have on the public? Do you think the public is aware of the comments made by you and your classmates? If so, which ones and why or why not?

The ownership of media outlets by large corporations can have a significant impact on news coverage. When corporations own multiple media outlets, there is a higher likelihood of certain biases or interests influencing the news being reported. This can result in a lack of diverse perspectives and a focus on profit-driven narratives.

The influence of these corporations on the public can be profound. The news has a major role in shaping public opinion, and when corporations control the narratives, they can shape public discourse to align with their own interests. This influence can range from subtly shaping the narrative to outright manipulation of information.

Whether or not the public is aware of the comments made by me and my classmates would depend on the situation. If the comments were shared through a public platform or reported by media outlets, then it is more likely that the public would be aware of them. However, if the comments were limited to a private conversation or a closed group, then the public may not be aware of them.

In terms of specific comments, it is difficult to say without more information. The public's awareness would depend on the relevance, prominence, and public visibility of the comments. Comments that are highly significant or controversial are more likely to gain attention and be noticed by the public. However, comments that are not widely shared or reported may remain unknown to the public.

Ultimately, the level of awareness among the public regarding specific comments made by me and my classmates is influenced by various factors, including the reach of the comments and the attention they receive from media outlets.