Complete the puzzle below with words that fit the meaning and end in the tch pattern.

a)move with slight,quick jerks _ _ itch
b)rough, quickly done drawings _ _ etch
c)large, irregular spot or stain _ _ otch
d)support or brace with a forked top_ _utch
e)mark or cut slightly _ _ _ atch
f) pull or extend _ _ _ etch

You guys are dumb its

A) twitch
B) sketch
C) splotch
D) crutch
E) scratch
F) stretch

Thank me later

b) Sketch

d) crutch
f) stretch

That all i could get

Sarah's right.

Yasemen -- if you post your answers for the other three, we'll be glad to check your answers.

i am not sure

i think that a) is stitch
c) crotch
e)scratch but i am not sure. I am not good at Language

You're right about e.

a) twitch

c) blotch

thank you sooooo much!!!

You're very welcome.

The man you are wrong

C) blotch
Not splotch



Thanks for the help

But it not blotch it splotch

Search it up n the man was rite

Turns out the man was wrong it is blotch so thanks anonymous n everyone for doing the answers