1.What figure of speech is this? I think it is personification

"Death stands above me, whispering low I know not what into my ear."

2.What figure of speech is this:The fog comes on little cat feet
This one I hav no idea-I thought it was personification but that's not one of the answers


You're right about the first one.

Hint for # 2 --It compares two unlike things -- and doesn't use "like" or "as."

It would be a metaphor-is that correct?

Right! It's a metaphor.

1. The figure of speech in the sentence "Death stands above me, whispering low I know not what into my ear" is personification.

To determine the correct answer, we can break down the sentence and look for any language that gives human qualities or actions to something non-human. In this case, the speaker is describing Death as a figure that stands above them and whispers into their ear.

2. The figure of speech in the sentence "The fog comes on little cat feet" is a metaphor.

To identify the figure of speech, we need to look for a comparison between two unrelated things without using "like" or "as". In this case, the fog is being compared to a cat that moves silently and gently on its feet. This metaphorical description helps create a vivid image of the fog's characteristics. It is not personification because the fog is not being given human qualities or actions.