i cant find how much the stock price (NYCE) for standard oil on black friday ( 1929) dropped?

can anyone sggest a site thathas it... i couldn't find any sites that provide this information.

please help me! THANK YOU!!!

Finding the exact stock price for a specific company on a specific date from decades ago can be challenging, especially for historic events like Black Friday in 1929. However, there are a few approaches you can try to obtain this information:

1. Historical Stock Price Databases: Websites like Yahoo Finance, Google Finance, or Bloomberg offer historical stock data. While they may not provide data as far back as 1929, you can still check if they have any available information on Standard Oil during that period.

2. Financial Newspapers and Libraries: Newspapers like The Wall Street Journal or Financial Times might have archival records of stock prices. Local libraries with access to historical newspapers or financial publications may also be a valuable resource.

3. Market Research Websites: Some market research websites may provide historical stock data for a fee. These websites typically specialize in financial data research, so they might have more extensive records.

However, it's important to note that finding the exact stock price for a specific day in 1929 might be difficult due to the limited availability of records from that era. It's possible that the data may not exist or may require extensive research in archives.