I need help with an introduction speech, and I have no idea how to do it. By the way I'm writing about my classmate, and I have some basic information about her.

Here are a number of very helpful sites. Look particularly at the outline one. Writing a good outline is invaluable. The most important part of the introductory speech is the beginning. You need to say something that will make the audience want to listen. Humor is always gets interest; also find the most outrageous thing the person has done and tell about that without saying WHO... then your topic sentence with contain the who. Hope this helps.


Writing an introduction speech about your classmate can be a great way to showcase their qualities and help colleagues get to know them better. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you with the process:

1. Gather basic information: Begin by collecting relevant information about your classmate. This information may include their name, background, hobbies, interests, achievements, goals, or any fascinating experiences they have had. Make sure to focus on positive attributes and interesting aspects of their life.

2. Consider the purpose and audience: Determine why you are giving this introduction speech and who your audience will be. Understanding the purpose will help you highlight the most suitable details about your classmate. Additionally, consider the tone and style of the speech based on your audience.

3. Create an outline: Organize your thoughts by creating an outline for your speech. Start with a captivating opening that grabs the audience's attention, briefly mention your relationship to the classmate, and then move on to describing their qualities and interests. Be sure to conclude the speech on a positive note.

4. Write an attention-grabbing opening: Begin the speech with a strong opening statement that catches the audience's attention. This could be a relevant quote, an interesting fact, or a compelling story related to your classmate.

5. Introduce your classmate: Start by stating the name of your classmate and your relationship to them. Give a brief background such as their educational level, their interests, or any notable accomplishments that highlight their character.

6. Highlight their qualities/achievements: Focus on the qualities and achievements that make your classmate unique and impressive. Talk about their skills, talents, or personal characteristics that contribute to their success in academics or extracurricular activities. Share examples or anecdotes that support these qualities.

7. Personalize the speech: Make the speech more relatable by sharing personal experiences or observations about your classmate. This adds authenticity and enables others to connect with the person you're introducing.

8. Keep it concise and engaging: Be mindful of the time limit for your speech. Keep the content concise and engaging, as it will help maintain the audience's interest throughout. Use a mix of storytelling, humor, and enthusiasm to captivate your audience.

9. Practice and revise: Practice delivering your speech out loud to ensure smooth flow and clarity. Consider rehearsing in front of a mirror or with a friend to get feedback on your delivery and make necessary revisions.

10. Wrap-up with a positive conclusion: End your speech by summarizing the key points and concluding on a positive note. Express gratitude for the opportunity to introduce your classmate and encourage the audience to get to know them better.

Remember, while these steps provide a general framework, you can adapt them to suit your specific needs and the information you have about your classmate. Good luck with your introduction speech!