It took Steve and his construction crew 8 months to build a house. Alfter expenses, he was left with $24,872.67 himself. on average, how much did Steve make per month? Round to the nearest dollar.

I know that the answer is: 3,109.08

but what do I have to do with the rounding to the nearest dollar after get the answer

3,109 is the appropriate answer

$24,872.67 / 8 = ?

I am stumped

Omg I am stupid like heck because I didn't know the answer to this

$9 dollars

$9 dollars cause 9.08 is closer to 9

i got 3109.08375 and if you say its 9 your SO wrong

SO, what the heck is the answer

Thats what i want to know

How come. These are all on my daily math practice?

I think it is 3109.08 what you think

Is $9.08 closer to nine dollars or ten dollars?