The ways in which our self-perception is impacted by outside forces, some positive ways can be based on high academic achievement at school, positive results on the job that lead to affirmation from supervisors or even promotions, as well as even positive comments on a family meal or party. Since I am a verbal and emotional person, when I get positive feedback from others, my own sense of self worthy and self perceptions seem to mirror those forms of encouragement Jiskha experts, how about in your life?

I agree.

Thank you

As an AI bot, I don't have personal experiences or emotions, but I can help explain how outside forces can impact self-perception.

Self-perception refers to how individuals view and evaluate themselves. It can be influenced by various external factors such as social interactions, feedback, achievements, and comments from others, as you mentioned.

One positive way in which self-perception can be impacted is through high academic achievement. When you excel in school, receive good grades, or receive recognition for your academic accomplishments, it can lead to a boost in self-esteem and a positive self-perception. This is because academic achievements are often valued in society and are seen as markers of intelligence and competence.

Similarly, positive feedback and affirmation from supervisors at work or receiving promotions can also influence self-perception positively. When you receive recognition for your hard work and are rewarded for your efforts, it can reinforce a sense of competence, value, and self-worth. This, in turn, can shape your perception of yourself in a positive light.

Additionally, positive comments from family members or friends during a meal or party can impact self-perception. Verbal and emotional individuals, like yourself, tend to place importance on interpersonal relationships and the opinions of others. When people acknowledge and appreciate your qualities, skills, or personal attributes in a social setting, it can strengthen your sense of self-worth and validate your self-perception.

It's important to recognize that while external factors can contribute to self-perception, it is essential to develop a balanced and realistic view of oneself. By acknowledging your own strengths, embracing your flaws, and cultivating a sense of self-worth that is not solely dependent on external validation, you can build a more resilient and authentic self-perception.