The label on a 1-pint bottle of mineral water lists the following components. If the density is the same as pure water and you drink 5 bottles of water in one day, how many milligrams of each component will you obtain?

fluoride 0.08 ppm


I just need help with how to set up the conversion.

Please and Thank You

Convert 1 pint to mL, multiply by 5 and convert to L. I think 1 pt is 473.2 mL.

Then 1 ppm = 1 mg/L

To set up the conversion, follow these steps:

1. Identify the given value and the unit you want to convert it to. In this case, the given value is 0.08 ppm of fluoride and the desired unit is milligrams (mg).

2. Look for the conversion factor that relates the given unit to the desired unit. In this case, the conversion factor is 1 mg/kg, meaning 1 milligram per kilogram.

3. Determine the quantity of water consumed in one day that will be used as the basis for the conversion. In this case, it is 5 bottles of water.

4. Use the given value, the conversion factor, and the quantity of water consumed to set up the conversion equation. The equation will be as follows:

(0.08 ppm) x (conversion factor) x (quantity of water consumed)

5. Plug in the values into the equation:

(0.08 ppm) x (1 mg/kg) x (5 bottles)

6. Perform the necessary calculations:

(0.08 ppm) x (1 mg/kg) x (5 bottles) = 0.4 mg

Therefore, if you drink 5 bottles of water in one day, you will obtain 0.4 milligrams of fluoride. You can apply the same procedure for any other components listed on the label.