can you please tell me if these sentences make sense. im talking aboout the book the great gatsby.

Change is inevitable to time, however, majority of us deny it. If we lose something in the past that we have admired, we sometimes in future try to replicate it. To look at this another way, we try beat time.

Change is inevitable; however, the majority of us deny it. If we lose something in the past that we admired, we sometimes try to replicate t in the future. To look at this another way, we try to beat time.


thanks alot Sra!!!

The sentences you provided do make sense in the context of discussing the book "The Great Gatsby." These sentences touch upon themes of time, change, and the desire to recreate past experiences.

If you are unsure about the validity of a sentence, one way to evaluate it is to consider its main idea and logic. In this case, the main idea seems to be the idea of change being inevitable but often denied by people. The sentence then explores the concept of trying to replicate something lost in the past as a way to challenge or overcome time.

Additionally, it's always helpful to consider the context and purpose of your writing. If your intention is to analyze the themes in "The Great Gatsby," these sentences appear to be relevant and contribute to a discussion on the book's underlying ideas.

Remember, effective communication is key, so it's important to proofread and ensure that your sentences are clear and structured well.