Barry's family drove 843 mi to see his grandparents. On the first day, they drove 483 mi. On the second day, how long did it take to reach Barry's grandparents' house if they averaged 60 mi/h?

843 - 483 = 360 miles on the second day

360 / 60 = ? hours

OMg thank u sooo much!!! :)))))))

You're welcome.

it is 6

Stefan drove 558 in 9 hours. He then drove 120 miles in 3 hours. What was Stefan's average speed for the whole trip???

this helped thanks :)

To determine the time it took for Barry's family to reach his grandparents' house on the second day, we can use the formula:

Time = Distance / Speed

On the first day, they drove 483 miles, so the distance remaining to their grandparents' house would be:

Distance remaining = Total distance - Distance on first day
Distance remaining = 843 miles - 483 miles
Distance remaining = 360 miles

Given that they averaged a speed of 60 miles per hour, we can substitute these values into the formula:

Time = Distance remaining / Speed
Time = 360 miles / 60 miles/hour
Time = 6 hours

Therefore, it took them 6 hours on the second day to reach Barry's grandparents' house.