how to find the area of pyramid?how egyptians constructed pyramids?


To find the area of a pyramid, you need to know the base and height of the pyramid. The formula for finding the area of a pyramid differs depending on the shape of the base. Here are the formulas for a few common types of pyramids:

1. For a pyramid with a rectangular base:
- Let's assume the length, width, and height of the pyramid are denoted by l, w, and h, respectively.
- The formula to find the area is A = lw + 2lw + 2lh + 2wh.

2. For a pyramid with a triangular base:
- Let's assume the length of the base, the base's height, and the height of the pyramid are denoted by b, hb, and h, respectively.
- First, find the area of the triangular base using the formula for a triangle: A = 0.5 * b * hb.
- Then, the total area of the pyramid is A = 0.5 * b * hb + 0.5 * b * h + b * h.

Now, let's talk about how the Egyptians constructed pyramids:

The construction of the Egyptian pyramids involved a complex and labor-intensive process. Here's a simplified explanation of the steps involved:

1. Planning and design: The Egyptians carefully planned the dimensions and layout of the pyramid. They determined the size, the angles, and the alignment with celestial bodies.

2. Foundation and leveling: A solid foundation was laid using a leveled surface. The Egyptians ensured that the corners were perfectly aligned with the cardinal points of the compass.

3. Quarrying and transportation: Limestone blocks were quarried and transported to the construction site using sledges, ramps, and possibly a system of counterweights and ramps.

4. Construction of the core: The core of the pyramid was built using large blocks of limestone. The blocks were carefully stacked, leveled, and secured together using a mortar made of mud, sand, and water.

5. Outer casing: Fine white limestone blocks were used as the outer casing of the pyramid, giving it a smooth and polished appearance.

6. Burial chamber and passages: Inside the pyramid, various chambers and passages were constructed for the burial of the pharaoh and accompanying treasures.

7. Funerary complex: The pyramid was often accompanied by other structures, including the mortuary temple, causeway, valley temple, and pyramidion (capstone).

The construction of pyramids required an extensive workforce, highly skilled architects, engineers, and craftsmen. The exact techniques used by the Egyptians are still a subject of speculation and ongoing research, but they achieved remarkable architectural feats that continue to inspire awe and fascination.